It's free and safe
Thanks for helping support the charity of your choice!
It's free and safe
It's 100% private and secure
Installs in less than 60 seconds
We are a not-for-profit looking to do good in the world. Whenever you buy something at a partner store, the store pays us a commission and we donate 100% of that commision to your favorite cause. The way we do this is through the Give Freely browser extension. Read more about the company at https://givefreely.com/about/
What a great and altruistic idea! Just installed and selected my charity of choice. Very easy interface and looking forward to my next giving freely!
The team at Give Freely has made it OUTRAGEOUSLY easy to give back. I installed the extension in under a minute, added my non-profit of choice (The American Lung Foundation), and GF sent them $10. It couldn't be easier -can't wait to recommend to friends!
LOVE Give Freely -- it makes giving back super easy. Install it and before you know it you're generating donations for charity just by doing what you would do anyway. Brilliant!
Easy to use and feels great having donations to my favorite local charity incorporated into everyday purchases. Can't wait to see how much gets donated over time!