What is Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher?
Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher is a nonprofit organization, whose specific location isn't provided in the given information. While details about their activities or mission are not available, it can be inferred that they are likely focused on religious or community-based services, given the term "Eglise" translating to "Church" in French. The organization may provide various programs, services, or events to its local community, although further details remain unspecified.
Is Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher legitimate?
Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher submitted a form 990EZ, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
What is the mission statement of Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher?
The mission description for Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher is not provided in the information. Therefore, an answer cannot be provided at this time.
Who is the CEO of Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher?
Beauny Louis is the President of Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher.
What is the revenue of Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher?
Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher's revenue in 2021 was $31,870.
Who are the executives of Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher and what are their salaries?
Here are 3 key members and their salaries:
- Compensation: $0
- Related: $0
- Other: $0
- Compensation: $0
- Related: $0
- Other: $0
- Compensation: $0
- Related: $0
- Other: $0
Where can I find the form 990EZ for Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher?
Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher's most recent form 990EZ was submitted in 2021 and can be accessed here.
Mission Statement of Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher
Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher, in its mission, focuses on serving its community. The organization does not provide specific details about its activities or objectives in the given information. However, the name itself suggests that it is an Evangelical Baptist Church, implying a religious mission centered around spreading the teachings and values of Christianity. As a church, it likely offers spiritual guidance, worship services, and community outreach programs. Without more information, it is challenging to provide a more detailed summary of its mission.
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August, 2024
Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher impacts the community by providing spiritual guidance, support, and a sense of community to its members. Through its religious activities and services, the church plays a significant role in shaping the values and beliefs of its congregation. It fosters a sense of belonging and unity among its members, promoting a positive environment for growth and connection. The church's impact extends beyond its physical location, influencing the lives of individuals and families in Riverview, FL, by offering a place for worship, celebration, and reflection.
This information is meant to be a general summary of Eglise Ev Baptiste Sur Le Rocher. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.
This financial information is from Propublica.
Other financial information:
This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2021.
- Gross Receipts: $31,870
Assets and Liabilities:
- Total Assets: $0
- Total Liabilities: $0
- Net Assets: $0
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Organization Details
Principal Officer
Beauny Louis
Main Address
11028 WHITTNER CHASE DR, Riverview, FL, 33579
NTEE Category
Code: X21 - Religion related
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