What is Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto?
Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto is a nonprofit organization that works tirelessly to improve education within their local school. Their primary goal is to fundraise for enrichment activities that cater to various grade levels, benefiting all students. These activities include Discovery Day, Johnny Appleseed Day, Thanksgiving Discovery Day, Brain Pop, Liberty Program, and the International Program. Moreover, they offer library enrichment programs, such as author visits, book sales, Camp Read A Lot, animal and snake presentations, meal worms, and scanners for checkout, further enhancing the learning experience. These initiatives contribute significantly to the overall education of the students, making Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto an essential part of their educational journey.
Is Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto legitimate?
Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto is a legitimate nonprofit organization registered as a 501(c)(3) entity. Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto submitted a form 990EZ, which is a tax form used by tax-exempt organizations in the U.S., indicating its operational transparency and adherence to regulatory requirements. Donations to this organization are tax deductible.
What is the mission statement of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto?
The mission of Oriole Beach Elementary School PTO is centered around fundraising with the primary objective of enhancing educational experiences for all students. They carry out this mission by organizing and funding grade-level enrichment activities such as Discovery Day, Johnny Appleseed Day, Thanksgiving Discovery Day, Brain Pop, Liberty Program, and International Program. These activities cater to various grade levels, providing a diverse range of educational benefits. Additionally, the PTO provides library enrichment activities, including author visits, book sales, Camp Read A Lot, animal and snake presentations, meal worms, and scanners for checkout. These library activities also serve multiple grade levels, contributing to a holistic and engaging learning environment.
Who is the CEO of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto?
Mandy Treesh is the President of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto.
What is the revenue of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto?
Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto's revenue in 2021 was $55,278.
Who are the executives of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto and what are their salaries?
Where can I find the form 990EZ for Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto?
Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto's most recent form 990EZ was submitted in 2021 and can be accessed here.
Mission Statement of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto
The Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto, as a nonprofit organization, is dedicated to raising funds with the primary objective of enhancing the educational experience for all students at the school. Through their various initiatives, they aim to provide enrichment activities that cater to various grade levels. Some of these activities include Discovery Day, Johnny Appleseed Day, Thanksgiving Discovery Day, Brain Pop, Liberty Program, and the International Program, which all contribute to the overall development and learning of the students.
In addition to these grade-level activities, the Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto also focuses on enriching the school library. They accomplish this by organizing author visits, book sales, Camp Read A Lot, animal and snake presentations, meal worms, and even making scanners available for checkout. These library activities are designed to foster a love for reading and learning among the students, benefiting them across all grade levels. By providing these enrichment activities, the Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto plays a significant role in complementing the school's curriculum and ensuring a well-rounded education for its students.
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August, 2024
The Oriole Beach Elementary School PTO's impact is significant in enhancing the educational experience for students. Through fundraising efforts, the PTO is able to provide various grade-level enrichment activities such as Discovery Day, Johnny Appleseed Day, Thanksgiving Discovery Day, Brain Pop, Liberty Program, and International Program. These activities benefit all grade levels and students, helping to create a more engaging and well-rounded learning environment.
Additionally, the PTO offers library enrichment activities including author visits, book sales, Camp Read A Lot, animal and snake presentations, mealworms, and scanners for checkout. These activities further enrich the educational experience for students across all grade levels.
Overall, the PTO's commitment to fundraising and providing these enrichment activities plays a crucial role in supporting education at Oriole Beach Elementary School and positively impacting the students' learning journey.
This information is meant to be a general summary of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto. Please take the time to review official sources before making any decisions based upon the content provided here.
This financial information is from Propublica.
Other financial information:
This information is from the most recently submitted tax form from this organization, which was in 2021.
- Gross Receipts: $130,938
Assets and Liabilities:
- Total Assets: $83,630
- Total Liabilities: $0
- Net Assets: $83,630
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Organization Details
Principal Officer
Mandy Treesh
Main Address
1260 ORIOLE BEACH RD, Gulf Breeze, FL, 32563
NTEE Category
Code: B99 - Education
If you are a representative of Oriole Beach Elementary School Pto and wish to learn more about how Give Freely can help you raise funds, please click here: https://givefreely.com/nonprofits/. Our services are offered at no cost to your organization.